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> Standing Ab Workout For Flat, Toned Abs

Standing Ab Workout For Flat, Toned Abs

standing ab workout


Is it your dream to achieve toned and sculpted abs? But you’re searching for some new and revitalizing substitute for traditional crunches and sit-ups? What if we tell you that achieving the abs of your dream won’t always require you to do the crunches?

Here we suggest a set of standing ab workouts that can be performed without much equipment. Standing ab exercises will target your abs from all angles and sculpt your waist. Standing ab exercises mimic functional movements in daily life, and engage not just the core, but obliques, lower back, hips and glutes.

Standing exercises are perfect for those who may find difficulty getting down to the ground and back up, and also for those who simply prefer to stay on their feet.

The set of exercises listed in this blog is perfect for those aiming to achieve flat abs. The exercises that we have listed below incorporate the benefits of a dynamic, upright position…

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flat ab workout

This exercise works the external, internal obliques, sculpts the waist and tightens the core.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your back straight and your arms raised above your head. Make sure not to lean forward or backwards throughout the exercise.

2. Bend your torso to the right as far as it feels comfortable, feeling the stretch in the abdominal muscles on the other side.

3. Pause for a second, return to the initial position and bend your torso to the left side, feeling the stretch in the abdominal muscles on the other side.

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This exercise engages deep core muscles.

1. Stand erect with chest up and feet wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. With knees slightly bent, and hands on your hips, rotate your hips to the left in a big circular motion.

3. Complete a set of 15 rounds in one direction and then start doing hip rotations to your right.

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This exercise targets oblique muscles and transverse abdominis.

1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width with your toes pointed outwards and your hands behind your head.

2. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your knees should be in line with your toes, and your body should be erect. Bend your torso until your right elbow touches your right knee.

3. Lift your body, go back to the initial position and bend to the other side to touch your left elbow to the left knee.

4. Continue alternating sides.

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This exercise engages the rectus abdominis (the front of your abs).

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Shift your weight to the left foot, raise your right knee to the waist level and extend your left arm over your head.

3. Immediately bring your left leg down and hop from your right leg, bringing your right leg to waist level and extending your left arm above your head.

4. Keep this movement going with alternate switching of limbs and arms.

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This exercise works the entire core.

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart (your feet should be slightly turned out), holding a dumbbell with both hands.

2. Rotate your torso to the right, with your left toe raised. Raise the dumbbell across the body until it’s over the right shoulder. Your body should be turned to face the dumbbell.

3. Squat as you rotate and bring the weight down across your body as if chopping wood from one side to the other, until the dumbbell is close to the left thigh.

4. Reverse the twist and repeat movements.

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This exercise targets the lower abs.

1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in your hands down in front of you at thigh level.

2. Lean forward shifting your body weight onto your left leg while extending your right leg straight behind you until your body forms a T-shape.

3. Return to the starting position and lean forward shifting your body weight onto your right leg while extending your left leg behind you until your body forms a T-shape.

4. Repeat the exercise by switching sides.

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This exercise targets oblique muscles and rectus abdominis.

1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands behind your head.

2. Lean over to the right side, crunching your abs and lifting your right knee to touch your right elbow.

3. Return to the starting position and bend on the other side.

4. Repeat alternate side crunches.

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This exercise engages the rectus abdominis and hip flexors.

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and back straight.

2. Bring your left knee up and your right elbow at the same time.

3. Bring the other knee up in an alternate fashion in line with your left elbow.

4. March in place with the alternate lifting of the left and right knee at a smooth pace.

From improved posture to core strength and stability, the standing ab exercises help you achieve well-rounded, toned and flat abs…

We’re here to help you on your fitness journey, stay tuned to for more engaging and innovative fitness workouts…

Also Read: Workouts For Busy Women To Tone Up Their Arms

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