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> Nighttime Snacking Can Cause Obesity & Ill Effects

Nighttime Snacking Can Cause Obesity & Ill Effects

night time snacking


 t’s regrettable how obesity rates are increasing globally and have engulfed the world just like any epidemic disease.

Although genetics, lifestyle factors, daily diet type, lack of physical activity, and medical conditions contribute to the major cause of obesity, diet is recognized as an important and easy way to induce obesity.

Does an impulse of pizza, chips pack, creamy buns, big chocolate bar or tub of ice cream from the freezer come at night time to you? In the early days, hobby or leisure activities typically revolved around creative pursuits but in recent times, a less healthy trend – nighttime snacking has emerged! Yes, nighttime snacking has become a new hobby for many.

While occasional nighttime snacking may not have a significant impact on your health, making it a daily habit can lead to several ill effects apart from just weight gain.  

In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why people snack at night, the ill effects of snacking and provide tips on how to avoid this habit…  

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night time snacking

Any food consumed after 9 pm is regarded as nighttime snacking. Usually, the nighttime snacking behaviour is triggered after supper, which is the last meal of the day.

1. Studies have shown that the lack of emphasis on the amount and quantity of nutrients in the diet consumed is the main cause of nighttime snacking.

2. People find it more convenient to rely on smaller meals and snacks throughout the day due to their busy lifestyles.

3. After a long workday at the office, people prefer to unwind before a TV at night and they prefer to consume snacks during this time as a means of comfort from the demands of life.

4. Constant exposure to food advertisements and cooking shows can also trigger cravings and promote snacking.

5. People look for snacks as an emotion fixer as the snacks are made to be high in sugar, fat, and salt which make them enticing and help in boosting mood.

6. The technological advancement enables people to obtain food through delivery apps around the clock which stands as a major contributing factor for this unhealthy behaviour.

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night time snacking

Studies have revealed several aspects of how nighttime snacking can cause ill effects.

  • Weight Gain - Studies have shown that the thermic response (increase in metabolic rate after eating) to meals appears to be the lowest with nighttime eating. The body’s metabolism slows down during the night, making it harder to burn off the calories from late-night snacks. Over time, the additional calories consumed may lead to a rise in body weight. Reducing the energy intake in the first half of the day and greatly increasing it through nighttime snacking habits is associated with obesity.

  • Diabetes - Glucose metabolism is impaired in the evening hours in humans. This may be one of the causes of elevated hyperglycemia associated with nighttime snacking. Eating right before bedtime causes your blood sugar levels to rise, which can make it difficult for our bodies to effectively regulate insulin and potentially increase the risk of developing diabetes.

  • Acid Reflux - Snacking at night, especially on foods high in fat or spice, can trigger acid reflux. This condition causes stomach acid to flow back into esophagus, leading to heartburn, chest pain, and discomfort. Eating close to bedtime does not give your body enough time to properly digest the food before you lie down. This can result in indigestion, bloating, and discomfort throughout the night.

  • Poor food choices - Nighttime snacking contributes to sedentary behaviour and poor dietary habits. Generally, food consumed at nighttime is found to be less satiating and leads to greater daily caloric intake than food consumed in the morning hours.

  • Poor sleep - Night-time snacking can interfere with the body’s circadian rhythm, and raise the risk of metabolic disorders. It can interfere with the regular cycles of hunger and fullness, making it difficult to stick to a healthy diet plan. Late-night snacks are often unhealthy, high-calorie foods like chips and sugary stuff. Poor dietary choices can contribute to nutrient deficiencies and bad food choices. 

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  • Make it a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to create a consistent sleep routine that will help you avoid cravings and regulate your appetite.

  • To avoid cravings at night, make sure your meals are balanced with proteins, fiber, and healthy fats that keep you feeling fuller for longer.

  • Practice alternative stress reduction strategies such as breathing exercises, puzzles, crafts, spending time with family, reading, or light exercise to assist in controlling emotional triggers.

  • If you must snack, choose more nutritious options like fresh fruit, vegetable salads, and nuts instead of high-calorie, sugary snacks.

  • Limit screen time because the blue light from screens can interfere with sleep and contribute to mindless snacking.

  • Sometimes, thirst can be confused with hunger. Stay well hydrated throughout the day to reduce the urge to snack.

  • Brushing your teeth after dinner can signal your brain that mealtime is over and discourage you from cravings.

Snacking at night is a complex habit driven by modern lifestyle changes, psychological issues, and societal trends…

Pay attention to the timing of food consumption, rather than just the type of food consumed as it can play a great role in the development of obesity…


Also Read: 6 Major Side Effects Of Sugar Overload On Your Health

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