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> 7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pea Protein Powders

7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pea Protein Powders

Pea Protein isolate Benefits

With so many protein powders on the market choosing the right protein powder is a confusing task. If you are looking for a vegan/vegetarian protein powder that makes a good alternative to whey protein, then look no further, pea protein is exactly what you are looking for. 


1. Pea Protein Is A Rich Source Of Arginine and Lysine

Proteins are made up of units called amino acids. Our body can make 12 of the 21 amino acids it needs. The rest 9 are called the essential amino acids as these have to be obtained from the food we eat. Lysine is one such essential amino acid and it is vital for building tissues like bones, cartilage and skin. It also helps in the absorption of calcium which is an important mineral for strong bones. Legumes such as peas are rich sources of Lysine.

Arginine is another essential amino acid which helps in muscle growth. It increases the blood flow to the muscles and assists in protein synthesis. Arginine also has many heart-healthy benefits. For those who want to build their muscles, pea protein is a viable option as it contains 3 times the amount of arginine per grams as compared to whey protein.   


2. Pea Protein Is A Good Source Of BCAAs

Pea protein powders are a good source of BCAAs. Branch Chain Amino Acids ( Leucine, Isoleucine and  Valine) are a group of three essential amino acids. These acids can’t be manufactured by the body. Hence they have to be obtained from the food we eat. BCAAs stimulate protein synthesis, that is why they are essential for building muscles. These amino acids provide energy and prevent the muscles from breaking down.


3. Pea Protein Is Rich In Plant-Based Iron

Pea protein is an excellent source of iron as just one serving of peas can contribute to 25-30% of our daily iron requirement. Iron is an important mineral needed by our bodies for the transportation of oxygen in our blood stream. Iron deficiencies lead to anaemia which in turn causes fatigue and brittle hair/ nails. Women are usually more prone to the iron deficiency than men due to their blood loss during menstruation.

There are two types of iron: heme which is found in animals meat and non-heme which is found in plants. Excess iron can get absorbed from animal sources and this has been linked to a variety of health risks. Non-heme iron, the one that is found in pea protein, has no such risks of excessive build-up making this a healthier option than the iron obtained from animal sources.


4. Pea Protein Supports Heart Health 

Saturated fats are bad for the heart as they can increase the cholesterol level in the blood. As per the American Heart Association saturated fats must be reduced to no more than 5 to 6% of the total daily calories. If you wish to lower your cholesterol levels, then consider pea proteins as it is free of saturated fats and cholesterol.


5. Pea Protein Is Low-Carb And High Protein

If you wish to have a low carb diet intake to maximize your fat loss while increasing muscle gain, then pea protein serves as an excellent option. Since most of its starch has already been removed during processing, pea protein powder is extremely low in carbs, especially when compared to carb-heavy legumes. Pea protein shakes are a great way to maintain low carb intake without sacrificing on your protein content.  


6. Pea Protein Is Allergen Free  

People who follow a gluten-free diet will know the pains of finding gluten-free foods. The FDA Guidelines states that all foods must contain .002% gluten or must be below 20 ppm (part per millions). Pea proteins are a great gluten-free option.
Most of the protein powders contain whey or casein. If you are a lactose intolerant, consumption of these dairy-based proteins can result in digestive issues such as bloating and cramps. Since pea protein does not contain lactose or casein, it serves as a feasible option for people who are allergic to such ingredients.



7. Pea Protein Is Easily Digestible

easy to digest pea protein

Consumption of whole legumes like beans and peas are known to create undesirable side effects like gas and bloating. This happens due to the high fibre and starch content of these foods. Since pea protein powders undergo processing to remove most of its fibre and starch, bloating is not an issue. In fact, pea protein is considered to be a highly digestible food item. It is a much better option for those who suffer from bloating issues resulting from whey protein consumption.


Also read: Pea Protein -The Best Protein Supplement For Those Suffering From Bloating

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