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> 5 Simple & Easy Weight Loss Exercises For Men & Women

5 Simple & Easy Weight Loss Exercises For Men & Women

easy weight loss exercises

Getting in shape sounds great but to make it practically happen doesn’t seem that easy! The combination of today’s busy life and the improper diet practice can make it really really hard to shed pounds!

The common experience of all those who decide to shed pounds is that the mind tells you to work out, but the body simply refuses to budge! This generally happens because finding the time to exercise feels a lot harder than your actual workout.

When it comes to losing weight, it’s very important to keep your workouts simple and manageable so that you never have an excuse to skip a session. Simple exercises are usually safer for your body and may allow you to be more consistent, week to week and month to month.

Probably the best thing about doing the simple exercises is that they don’t require a gym membership, they are not performed for long hours, can be performed anywhere, don't require you to change clothes, you probably won't get too sweaty and you don't need any equipment. The idea is even though the workouts are short, you are still burning substantial calories in a short period of time.   Done properly three times per day, you can burn up to 500 calories.

Now, if you are one of those struggling to find a compromise between getting in shape and hard work out, then the following exercises are for you. These workouts can be done anywhere, anytime with little or no setup.


easy weight loss exercises

Walking is the great and the easiest form of physical activity that is easy to do, accessible to most people and fetches good results of weight loss. It is especially suitable for those who have been inactive or those who are not strong enough for prolonged or strenuous exercise. Walking, in fact, is beneficial in maintaining the overall health. It serves as a great warm-up for the exercises that you are going to do next. Approximately 50-70 calories are burned during 10 minutes of a brisk walk. Regularly taking part in a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise like walking has been found to be effective in helping people lose belly fat.

If your schedule doesn’t permit you to walk continuously for 30 minutes or more, break it up into walking 2-3 times a day for shorter periods of at least 10 minutes at a brisk pace. Walking is a practical way to transform your body and mind to fit into your active lifestyle. Walking regularly, not just reduces your body fat but also increases your metabolism, improves your cholesterol profile and your fitness levels.


easy weight loss exercises

Squats are one of the free and popular exercises to lose weight and build muscles. They help engage all the core muscle groups, increase stability and strength. Squats are a great way to lose inches from thighs and to lose overall body weight. 10 minutes of high-intensity squats help you burn 100 calories. They are a simple exercise that can be done anywhere and does minimal harm to your knees, and ankles. The low impact exercise causes less stress on your joints and back. The benefits to squats include toning, increasing body's fat burning ability, muscle mass and boosting your heart rate. Not only does it help tone your body, but squats also help to burn more calories for the amount of time spent training. You can perform squats with added weights to increase the intensity of the workout and to build lean muscle mass which accelerates your metabolism and weight loss.


easy weight loss exercises

Belly fat loss is one concern with everybody who wants to reduce weight. Crunches are the best abdominal workout that focuses mainly on belly fat. They are the easiest way to achieve overall weight loss and specific inch loss around the waist area and abdominal region. Crunches are classified under the strength-training exercise because they are effective at building strength and to tone your abdominal muscle. Doing crunches for 6 minutes in a day can burn up to 60 calories. Hence 3 sets of 25 squats can do wonders to your body and develop better abs. The best part of these exercises is that you can do it at your convenience while watching TV too.


easy weight loss exercises

Skipping is a good old childhood day’s fun time game that all of us enjoyed playing. The childhood fun game has become our new age trendy exercise. Skipping is a full body aerobic workout, which helps in muscle toning and weight loss. It mainly helps in toning the thigh and calf muscles, while it also works wonders for your arms and abs. Skipping has a great edge over running in that it helps you lose more calories than running would. It helps you burn 600 calories/half an hour (which is pretty much). Start with 10 minutes of skipping in a day, and then increase the duration for impressive weight loss results. The high-intensity interval training burns a larger amount of calories in a shorter period of time.


easy weight loss exercises

Many people believe that cardio, weight training and strength exercise to be the most beneficial when it comes to weight loss but stretching plays a major role in achieving overall fitness and losing weight. It is an exercise in which specific muscle is stretched in order to improve muscle elasticity.    Stretching helps you improve flexibility, increases blood circulation, helps you to feel relaxed and contributes in fetching better results from the routine you follow. Stretching for 15 minutes every day helps you get rid of 80-90 calories. By doing stretching, you can strengthen your core muscles. The strong muscles will not allow the accumulation of fats in the lower body. Moreover, you can improve your posture by doing stretching.

As a final word, weight loss and weight maintenance is a continuous process which cannot be achieved overnight…Your weight loss goal requires patience, commitment and a need to stick to the low-calorie diet…

 Also Read: L Arginine for weight management

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Jeremy - March 31, 2020

Nice Post! Squats is one of the basic exercise that work on your whole body whether it the lower body or abdomen part. It has lots of benefits. It raise your testosterone level which helps in your Body building goal.

Ivana - March 21, 2020

Great article Madhura, In my opinion, Zumba and pilates are really good for weight loss, too.

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