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> What Is The Role Of Dietary Fiber In Weight Loss?

What Is The Role Of Dietary Fiber In Weight Loss?

dietary fiber can help with weight loss


hile obesity is growing as a global-public health concern, the modern diet is claimed- as a major; contributor to the widespread incidence of obesity.

Don’t skip breakfast, follow low-calorie diet, drink plenty of water, don’t stock of fast foods, cut down on soda, alcohol, these; and many more advice you might have received for losing weight.

All fine, the latest research suggests the weight-loss interventions that center on hunger-reducing food choices and behavioural support can produce favourable shifts in self-reward areas of the brain. The ultra-processed food comes under the food type that provide; instant gratification; it becomes entrenched in the brain that may be nearly impossible to reverse.

Here’s suggesting you one such dietary intervention which may have big; impact on your weight loss goals…                               

The Role Of Dietary Fiber In Weight Loss

Dietary fiber is receiving increasing attention as a satiating food that contributes to reducing weight through 3 pathways. Read on to learn more about dietary fiber’s impact on weight loss.

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fiber is good for weight loss

Dietary fiber or roughage are the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrate that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes. They are carbohydrate polymers which are not hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes in the small intestine, some fiber can be partially fermented in the large intestine by gut bacteria, producing short chain fatty acids. Fiber is a compound found in unprocessed plant-based food, animal foods do not contain fiber.

There are two varieties of fiber, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fibers hold water, become gelatinous, viscous substance, act as prebiotic, and are generally fermented in the colon by gut bacteria. Insoluble fibers do not absorb water, and are resistant to digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Insoluble fibers have bulking action and are not fermented by gut bacteria, they add bulk to stools and help in bowel regularity.

Examples of Soluble fibers: oats, barley, mushroom, chia seeds, flax seeds, sweet potato, cucumbers, carrots, berries, legumes, ripe banana, apple, pear, broccoli, split peas, soybeans, almonds.

Examples of Insoluble fibers: wheat bran, corn bran, brown rice, nuts, seeds, green beans, cauliflower, grapes, avocado, tomatoes, potato skins, leafy greens.

From the above bit of information, it becomes clear that soluble fiber helps you stay fuller, delays gastric emptying, while insoluble fiber is good for colon health and eases constipation.

Also read: Top 6 Healthy Reasons To Add Flax Seeds To Your Daily Diet


dietary fiber can help with weight loss

A hunger hit now and then will keep you from losing weight. Soluble, fermentable dietary fiber induces changes in gut morphology with its gelation property. Pour water on a bowl of dry oatmeal and absorb what happens, it will soon absorb water and increase in volume, isn’t it? The same is what happens when you consume fiber-rich meals. Dietary fiber will decrease energy absorption by way of diluting a diet’s energy availability while maintaining other important nutrients.

  • Dietary fiber is resistant to fermentation in the small intestine, enlarges the gastrointestinal tract forming a viscous material, it delays the intestinal transit time.

  • When soluble fiber undergoes fermentation in the large intestine, glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY) is released. These gut hormones play a role in reducing hunger and promoting satiety.

  • By increasing satiety, dietary fiber contributes to significantly reducing energy intake and serum insulin secretion.

  • As the consumption of dietary fiber increases, the intake of simple carbs tends to decrease.

  • Soluble fiber consumption can lead to an increase in good gut bacteria. This could result in enhanced fermentation and utilization of short-chain fatty acids which increase energy absorption. Dietary fiber effectively reduces the energy absorption vs energy expenditure ratio.

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benefits of fiber for weight loss

Your blood sugar levels have a very big impact on your appetite and weight loss. When your blood sugar levels are not stable, you are going to struggle with cravings and hunger. Consumption of a high-carb diet can lead to insulin spikes that can deteriorate blood sugar levels in the postprandial period. When you consume a high-carb diet, it will cause spiked blood sugar levels and a deep drop later, the dip in blood sugar levels causes hunger and the subsequent cravings or increased calorie intake.

The pancreatic peptide YY secreted in response to fermentation of soluble fiber leads to reduced appetite and reduces postprandial glucose spikes and thus leading to reduced insulin secretion.

Fiber helps slow down digestion and the way sugar is absorbed from the foods, this helps to reduce energy crashes and sluggish feelings after eating.

Also read: Sugar Overload Can Have 6 Major Side Effects On Your Health


dietary fiber for weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, we generally focus on the caloric intake and the type of workouts we do. Did you know? A healthy gut microbiome can influence the way we digest food, absorb nutrients, promote better mental health and influence our ability to lose weight. Our gut has trillions of bacteria, some good and some bad. When you eat processed foods, sugar, or fatty foods, you are feeding the bad gut bacteria. Dietary fiber is not hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes, but it is acted upon by gut microbes, fiber has an impact on the composition, diversity, and richness of the microbiome. The peptides generated by gut bacterial fermentation play a role in appetite control. The gut-brain axis controls satiety and cravings which can influence your calorie intake and weight loss.

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benefits of fiber in weight loss

Start your day with fiber: Replace white bread with 100% whole wheat bread (2.6g fiber/slice), swap white rice for brown rice (3.5g fiber/cup), choose whole grain cereals like oatmeals (2g fiber/cup), chia seeds (10g/ounce), quinoa (5.2g fiber/cup), oatflax, barley (21g fiber/cup), bran flakes, millets (2g fiber/cup) to boost your fiber intake at breakfast.

Add fiber to your meal: Add peas (6g fiber/cup), lentils (10g fiber/cup), kidney beans (11g fiber/cup), chickpeas (12g fiber/cup), vegetables like carrots (2g fiber/medium size), beans (4g fiber/cup), broccoli (5g fiber/cup), legumes, grains to your meals.

Snack on fiber: Choose whole fruits with skin which has the fiber intact instead of peeled fruit juice. Choose apple (4g fiber/medium size), banana (3g fiber/medium size), berries, peanut butter, nuts, whole-grain crackers, air-popped popcorn, quinoa veggie salad, almonds (3.5g/ounce), pistachios, walnuts for snacks to reap the health benefits of fiber.

Also read: Chia Seeds Can Help You Lose Weight…Know How?


benefits of fiber in weight loss

For women, it is recommended to have 25g of fiber and for men about 35g of fiber coming from natural foods.                                                                    

NOTE: When introducing fiber to your diet, do it gradually to allow your body to adjust to the dietary intake, otherwise you may experience bloating and stomach discomfort.

Fiber slows the speed of digestion, which makes you feel full and stay satisfied longer. When you feel full after a meal, you’re less likely to reach for a bag of chips or cookies an hour later…

Fiber is a major player in losing weight, so the next time you feel hungry, consider grabbing some fruit and a spoonful of nut butter instead of sugary treat…  

Also read: Low-Carb Diets For Weight Loss – How Does It Work?

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Simple IV - May 24, 2022

Hey! Thank You for writing such an informative blog- content.
Soluble fiber helps keep your gut bacteria healthy and promotes overall fat loss by reducing your appetite.

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