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> How Do Fast Foods Impact On Fitness & Muscle Building?

How Do Fast Foods Impact On Fitness & Muscle Building?


Did you just click on our blog link seeing the title of the blog or did the banner image fascinate you to open the page? If you were compelled to read this blog seeing the title, you are seriously concerned about your fitness journey and if the banner image has driven you to be here, you are not pretty serious concerning your diet and fitness. I’m not kidding, but am serious.

In this article, we are going to learn whether eating fast foods during fitness journey will screw along with your results or if it’s fine to include some of these foods in your diet.

Go ahead, and read the blog completely to Know the impact of fast foods on muscle building.

A perfect physique is achieved through the combination of a balanced diet and regular workout. Most of the fitness enthusiasts keep the second one right but when it comes to diet…, can’t say, and that’s why they fail to attain their fitness goals.

While diet makes an essential part of our fitness journey, it is the healthy diet what we are going to benefit from, not the unhealthy one. Unfortunately, the busy lifestyle and a completely packed calendar of activities that most all of us keep, lead us to look for a quick and alternate substitute for home-made nutritious food.

Eating the clean diet requires planning, meticulous preparation which can be time-consuming and annoying. The lifestyle changes have compelled us so much, there is so little time for us to think about the pros, and cons of what we are eating.

The main driver that drives people in a busy life to try fast foods is the word ‘fast’. Easily accessible, convenient, and tasty fast foods make it easier for people to forgo nutritious food. People look for foods that can be consumed on the go.


What Is Fast-Food?

A simple definition of fast-food would be, food that can be prepared and served quickly. Fast foods are typically poor regarding nutrition as they are made with cheaper ingredients like high fat, refined grains, added sugars, instead of the whole grains, sugar-free and low-fat ingredients. They are also high in processed preservatives and ingredients.


Fast Foods Don’t Offer Satiety & Weight Loss


While it is a proven fact that every single meal gives muscle builders an opportunity to positively impact their fitness goals, fast foods are going to put your efforts in vain for sure!

Your weight loss diet should comprise low-calorie and high protein which can offer satiety, increase metabolism, help in fat loss, at the same time preserve your muscles. Fast foods simply do the opposite of this!

They are high in calorie and low in the protein content and hence don’t offer satiety but lead to weight gain.

If you have weight loss goals, you should create a negative energy balance. You need to make sure that at the end of the day, you are burning more calories than you eat.


Fast foods are rated high on the glycemic index which increases the body’s demand for insulin. They provide a quick rise in blood sugars, which may fall quickly, giving rise to hunger. The impaired response of the body to insulin production results in insulin resistance. An individual who is insulin resistant will be overproducing insulin, which in turn reduces lipolysis (fat burning) by increasing lipogenesis (fat storing). Insulin resistance decreases the effectiveness of nutrient delivery to your muscles and reducing the chances of protein synthesis occurring.

Hence the obvious result of eating fast foods like cheeseburgers, fries, processed meats, salty snacks and sugary sweets like donuts is that they put you at a higher risk of putting on pounds. How would this benefit your muscles?


Fast Foods Don’t Benefit Your Workout Or Recovery

Fast foods are literally junk foods which don’t benefit your workouts or recovery. The inexpensive, convenient and tasty fast foods are high in sodium levels, sugars, cholesterol and saturated or trans fats. The highly processed, high in calories and low in nutrient fast foods may be very tempting but they are unhealthy! There is no wonder, how regular eating of such foods create a bad impact on your health and affect your muscle-building goals.


Fast Foods Offer Empty Calories That Have No Nutritional Value

Fast foods offer an unbalanced ratio of fat, sugar, and refined carbs to their nutrient count. While greasy pizzas, donuts, sweet pastries, sodas and burgers may have a certain very low amount of protein, the remainder is mostly empty calories. They are considered empty calories because they hold no real nutritional value.

As per the studies, such kind of a diet is linked to abdominal fat gain, disrupted insulin and glucose homeostasis, and a higher risk of metabolic syndrome. An impaired metabolism not just makes it harder to lose weight, but can also contribute to low energy.


Fast Foods Lead To Dirty Bulking Not Clean Gains

  • Fast foods are a low-fibre diet that is highly palatable. They are quickly broken down in the mouth, don’t require much chewing. The fast foods train the palate to prefer these highly stimulating foods. This reduces one’s desire for the whole, fresh foods.                                         

  • Regular consumption of fast foods constitutes an unhealthy diet. 28g of potato chips, for example, provides 150 calories, out of which 60% calories come from fat, 35% from carbs and remaining 5% from proteins.

By eating fast foods, you are consuming waist-expanding fat, not bicep-building protein. The problem with dirty bulking is that you are going to put on fat. Greasy pizza makes you pile on the wrong kind of stuff. They make you store more calories as fat rather than transfer to your muscles. Fast food calories and healthy food calories come from different proportions of fats/carbs/protein in the meals.

Even though total calories from healthy food and fast food is the same, most of the calories in fast food will be from fats and refined or added sugars. Whereas in the healthier meals there will be more calories from protein and complex carbohydrates (which are fibre-rich).

If a gram of protein gives 4Kcal, a gram of Carb gives 4Kcal, and a gram of fat gives 9 Kcals, it is the calories from protein that you require more for muscles.


For best results of fitness and muscle building, you have got to think about the macronutrients you are having in every meal, specifically protein.

More muscle mass increases your metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories after your workout…

So, guys take your diet seriously coz there are no shortcuts to fitness…badalkhudhko


Also read: Add Definition To Your Muscles With Protein Shakes


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MrAlex - January 29, 2024

I appreciate the holistic approach to fitness on this website. From workouts to nutrition, it’s a one-stop destination for a well-rounded health journey.

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