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> Does Whey Cause Weight Gain If Consumed Without Workout?

Does Whey Cause Weight Gain If Consumed Without Workout?

can drinking whey without exercise be harmful

If you can think of a quick and easy way to increase your protein intake, your choice would definitely be a protein shake made with Whey. While food sources which provide a good amount of protein are many, people still opt for Whey Protein to assist them in their fitness goals. What makes Whey Protein different from other protein sources is that it has the highest bioavailability compared to other protein sources, which means your body absorbs the highest amount of protein content.


Importance Of Protein


By now, we all know how important protein is for muscle recovery, muscle repair and successful muscle protein synthesis. Just like carbohydrates and fats, protein is important for everyone not just for athletes and bodybuilders. Protein is specifically important because it is composed of 20 different amino acids which play a lead role in synthesizing hormones, repairing injured tissues and are required for strong hair, skin and nails.

Protein is a general requirement and it is important to ensure your diet contains enough protein irrespective of whether you need to complement your workout routine, want to build muscles, reduce weight or so on. It’s also very important for you to understand that protein is a broad term and it encompasses protein in all forms- powders, shakes, store-bought drinks, eggs, meat etc.

So, Whey has to be considered as one of the protein sources and not as the mainstream protein.

The busy lifestyle demands portability and convenience. Whey is a simple and easy to prepare protein source than it is to prepare and eat a high protein meal.


A Need To Consume Whey (Protein) After A Workout


As told earlier, Whey, in general, can be consumed by all to meet the required protein needs of the day, as it is designed mainly to help fill the protein gaps of a varied diet. It is very wrong to simply associate this excellent protein source just as a workout supplement. This top nutritional protein powder is a favourite for its ability to provide excellent protein without unnecessary calories or fat.

The ultimate value of a protein supplement is in its amino acid composition. The high-quality protein supplement is rich in essential amino acids, particularly BCAA which play a prime role in boosting muscle repair and in synthesizing muscle protein. Whey is the most preferred workout supplement for several reasons. The fast-digesting Whey Protein powder dissolves quickly in water and is absorbed by the body at a rapid speed of 8g-10/hour.          

Following a workout, especially after a resistance workout, our muscles are fatigued. The muscles endure stress throughout the course of the workout which causes them to breakdown. Soon after the workout, the body begins to repair the damaged muscles in a way that will build them stronger and more durable in order to sustain another workout of that calibre. We call this muscle-rebuilding process as ‘protein synthesis’, wherein new proteins are generated to replace the damaged ones.

Consuming a quality protein like Whey that contains all the essential amino acids will aid our body in this process because this protein is employed to quickly reconstruct the muscle stronger. What you learnt just now was how Whey assists your workout routine, but our topic of discussion is something different. Does Whey consumption lead to weight gain if you consume it without doing any workout?


Any Type Of Macronutrient When Taken In Excess Leads To Weight Gain

The catch is in the word ‘excess’ over here! Weight gain is a matter of high-calorie intake. Whey on its own, will not lead to weight gain. You’ll gain weight when are in a caloric surplus, meaning when you eat more calories than your body needs to maintain. All macronutrients, not necessarily protein alone will lead to weight gain when consumed in excess.

Whey Protein usually ranges from 100-150 calories a scoop and contain a very low amount of carbs and fats. It’s important for you to understand that if you are otherwise meeting your calorie requirements and drink Whey shake every day, you could gain more than a pound per month. However, if you are active and exercise regularly, your risk of gaining unwanted weight won’t be high.

While a typical Whey shake prepared with water will not add to extra calories, consuming protein shakes with added ingredients like peanut butter, bananas, oats and other ingredients not just enhance the taste of your shake, but when taken in excess, they add to excess calories to your diet, putting you in caloric surplus causing you to gain weight. Additionally, protein shakes help in muscle growth. If you don’t work out, there won’t be any muscle damage for the protein to repair and rebuild. So, the unused or excess protein will get stored as fats. In order to prevent the process of weight gain, you have to make sure that your daily consumption of calories does not go over what your body is able to utilize.


Whey Protein, by itself, does not cause you to gain weight. However, how you consume it can definitely affect your weight!


Whey can help you to gain weight or shed some pounds...The trick is to employ a real fitness goal and customize your Whey intake to achieve it…


 Also Read: Should you do Cardio or weight training first.

                     Creapure the Power supplement

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