Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair - How To Use It?

hat’s your idea of healthier, lush-looking hair? Are you saying; it has always been on our wish list? Most people think that; voluminous, shinier hair cannot be achieved, without the aid of expensive supplements and hair care products. Is that why you have always postponed achieving your dream-mane? Now, what if we suggest you a simple, safe, 100% natural, vegan, and cost-effective aspect to transform your hair from limp to lush? Does it sound jaw-dropping to you?
Yes, people; apple cider vinegar which; has been a formidable player in the wellness space and a favourite digestive health product among consumers, can be good to reach when your hair is out of whack and needs a reset.
Also Read: The Top 5 Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar You Didn’t Know
Apple cider vinegar’s uncomplicated, natural profile, its acidic content (has pH level similar to that of our skin and hair), ‘mother’, low-caloric levels, and low pH level make it unique!
Let’s learn in this blog exactly what makes apple cider vinegar so helpful for hair care…
The Amber Coloured Sparkling Elixir

Apple Cider Vinegar is made by a dual fermentation of apple juice. In the first step, yeast is added to the crushed fresh apple juice and allowed to ferment. Yeast converts the sugar in apples to alcohol. In the second phase of fermentation, certain bacteria (acetobacter) are added to the mixture to convert alcohol into vinegar (acetic acid). When the vinegar matures, cloudy, web-like brownish bacterial foam is referred to as ‘mother’ forms. ‘Mother’ is a probiotic which gives apple cider vinegar its claimed health benefits. When buying apple cider vinegar, you should consider the one that is labeled, as raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, with the ‘mother’, unrefined in order; to get the best benefits from its use.
Also Read: Do You Refrigerate Your Apple Cider Vinegar Or Store It Outside?

Regular dry shampooing, heat treatment, and using chemical- laden styling creams can leave your scalp with a layer of product buildup (that appears like white or yellowish residue); that’ll often produce flakes that no amount of rinsing with water seems to eliminate. Your scalp comes in contact with a lot of hair-damaging pollutants throughout day-to-day lives, which can build up over time and create a less ideal environment for hair growth. Sometimes sebum (oily secretion) or heavy oils accumulate on the scalp alongside sweat and dead skin cells. These form a film that is typically not water-soluble and resist rinsing off in the shower.

The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps to; dissolve any product build-up, and clears any residues that may clog pores and hair follicles. The antifungal nature helps to keep a check on the fungal infection that would lead to itching.

Apple cider vinegar rinse after washing your hair will reduce the negative electrical charge of the hair, helps to smoothen out hair, works as an effective detangler, and contributes to regaining the health of your tresses.

Using apple cider vinegar rinse after washing your hair will give it an instant lift and make it look voluminous.
Also Read: Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?

Most store-bought shampoos, hair products, and hair colours that you use; are alkaline and open up the hair cuticle, causing splits or hair breakage. Curly hair is especially susceptible to cuticle damage due to its structure. Cuticles of curly hair are raised, which can cause dehydration and the inability to hold onto moisture in the hair. The lower amount; of internal moisture can lead to split ends and an unruly mess.

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps to restore the pH balance of the hair cuticle and scalp, which may be thrown out of balance through chemical hair products, sun exposure, or pollutants.

Apple cider vinegar helps exfoliate the hair cuticles, clarifies, shrink, contract, and harden the cuticle, creates a protective layer around each follicle, and results in the tighter, smoother, and well-sealed hair shaft.

The smoother, closed cuticle will add to silky texture that will be able to reflect light and shine.
Also Read: Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?
When you freshly wash and style your hair, your hair looks like magic, frizz nowhere in sight, but on the second day hair looks straggly, and lifeless. Excess grease accumulation can weigh down hair on your scalp, affecting the appearance of hair volume.

Apple cider vinegar helps clear out grease, and grime that has clumped up in your hair, removes the weight of excess oils and helps boost hair volume, as a result.

Apple cider vinegar fixes the disrupted hair pH, prevents hair breakage, and results in flatter cuticles, which not only means smoother, softer hair but also means, a consistency in texture and voluminous hair.
Also Read: Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Skincare
A healthy scalp is the primary requisite to having healthy locks. The ideal scalp pH is crucial to avoiding issues like dandruff and flakiness. Dandruff buildup will happen when too much yeast is present on oily areas of the scalp. Oftentimes, the disrupted scalp pH level is the reason for hair loss. Excessive oils, flakiness, itching, and irritation of the scalp can lead to hair breakage, fallout, and poor hair regrowth. Apple cider vinegar is definitely not a cure for treating hair loss, but its acidity is linked; as a solution to hair thinning and hair loss.

Adding a shot of apple cider vinegar to your hair care routine can maintain balanced pH levels, unclog pores, and stimulate hair growth.

As a natural antifungal agent, apple cider vinegar may exfoliate the scalp, prevent overproduction of sebum, reduce inflammatory yeast, inhibit the growth of the dandruff-causing fungus, subdue itching, flaking and thus may promote new hair growth.

Apple cider vinegar can reinforce the health of the hair follicles, and unclog pores, which appear, to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair from breaking off.
Also Read: Is Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Useful For Acne?
1. Those with dandruff and unsightly flakes can apply apple cider vinegar diluted in water in the ratio of 2:1, pour over wet hair, leave for ten minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.
2. To ensure the overall health of the locks, use apple cider vinegar diluted in water in the ratio of 3:1, allow it to sit for two minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.
3. While the majority; of apple cider vinegar benefits to hair come from direct application to the scalp, adding apple cider vinegar to meals like salads or drinking a shot (diluted in water) can offer scalp benefits too.
4. To return lustre to dry, lifeless hair, add three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water, spray it on hair strands, allow to rest for 5 minutes, and then rinse out.
Note: Due to the high acidic level of the product, apple cider vinegar is not something you can pour onto your head directly, always; use it well diluted in water. Apple cider vinegar, although good for hair, is not recommended to be used every day. Use it once a week or once in two weeks.
Apple cider vinegar is a multi-tasking hair care product worth the try when it comes to upping your hair game…
Make frizzy hair, itchy scalp, and flakes a thing of the past…we wish you great hair days ahead…
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