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> 6 Major Side Effects Of Sugar Overload On Your Health

6 Major Side Effects Of Sugar Overload On Your Health

side effects of sugar overload

Tucked into sugary treats during the wedding season? I don’t really wonder if you are saying yes. Coz, sugar has become a staple ingredient of modern-day eating and when it comes to Indian celebrations, there is no limit for sweets.

The main culprit to our sugar eating practice backs to our childhood. When we’re children, our parents and teachers used to reward us with sugary snacks as a token of appreciation for our good conduct. The childhood rewarding food is now looked out as comforting food to pick us up.

Beware! the rewarding, comforting, or what we consider as a pleasurable treat can wreak havoc on your health if we overconsume it.

In our blog, Eating too much sugar? - Sweet sugar can be dangerous, we made an attempt to open your mind to the bitter sides of sweet sugar, made you acquainted with natural sugars vs artificial sugars, provided information on how excessive sugar intake can cause inflammation, accumulation of visceral fat, gave you tips on how to regulate sugar intake.

Something interpreted as the No.1 enemy in the fitness community is back on topic again. Despite constant efforts to shed light on the harmful effects of sugar, the bad impact of sugar is still overlooked. This article will tell you the top 6 harmful effects sugar-eating can have on your health.

Also read: Sugar Vs Honey – Which sweetener is a healthier option?


side effects of sugar overload

Gut microbiota plays a significant role in human health, indeed the intestinal microbiota is involved in metabolism, immunity, and the fermentation of undigested carbs.

As per research, high sugar intake may stagger the balance of gut microbiota, may decrease the diversity of healthy bacteria in our gut, and increase pro-inflammatory properties. Excess sugar intake decreases the capacity to regulate the epithelial integrity, increases the relative abundance of proteobacteria in the gut (pathogenic), and also decreases the bacteriodetes (good bacteria which reduce inflammation and reinforce gut barrier function).

Take Away: High sugar intake can promote low-grade inflammation and increase the risk of metabolic disorders. 


side effects of sugar overload

Compelling research evidence shows that a high glycemic diet can exacerbate acne. A high sugar diet may induce hyperinsulinemia ( which affects the level of circulating IGF-1, which further leads to keratinocyte proliferation, androgen synthesis, and lipogenesis).

The increased endogenous levels of IGF (insulin-like growth factor) create a vicious circle thus contributing to increased production of sebum, which plays a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of acne vulagaris. The inflammatory hormonal acne appears around the jawline and the mouth.

Take Away: High sugar diet induces hyperinsulinemia, leads to endocrine responses, development of acne, breakouts, may cause wrinkles, and fast aging.


side effects of sugar overload

A high sugar diet can up your feel-good hormones, make you feel good, which will make you want that high again. The abnormal rapid rise in blood glucose followed high-sugar diet normally leads to insulin secretion (insulin spike) and circulating inflammatory markers. The insulin spike initiates rapid glucose uptake by tissues and stores it as fat. Once the sugar wears off, there is a sudden fall in blood glucose level which causes a ‘sugar crash’. When this happens, the insulin effect is still prominent which will eventually cause blood glucose levels to go lower than the baseline. The big hit of sugars followed by a dramatic drop will cause a sense of tiredness, irritation, brain fog, headaches, irritability, craving sweets, dizziness, disorientation, depression, confusion, and anxiety.

Take Away: Eating foods that take longer to digest, like whole grains, fiber and protein is the best way to stabilize your blood sugar and mood.


side effects of sugar overload

If you are someone who complains that you can’t sleep, or you can fall asleep but not stay asleep, a blood sugar imbalance may be to blame. The scientific research evidence indicates the role of carbohydrate intake to cause sleep disruption. Our body is designed to shut down towards the end of the day. When you consume foods high in sugar late at night, your blood sugar level gets a boost and excess sugar intake will mess with your sleep, will overstimulate you with energy, will make you ready for activity, and will leave you craving for more sugar. Insomnia will make you feel unhappy, cause mood swings, restlessness, low energy, irritability.

Take Away: Eating simple sugars will cause a rollercoaster spike in blood sugar whereas consuming complex carbs will release sugar over a much longer period, reduce spikes and you get your well-earned rest.


side effects of sugar overload

Research studies suggest that increased intake of sugars can cause unhealthful metabolic consequences and is a major determinant of body weight. Increased sugar intake leads to alteration in energy balance and has been shown to cause binge eating and cravings. Sugar is high in calories, does not contain protein or fiber, it doesn’t fill you. The excess consumption of empty calories will drive your insulin levels up, shifting the sugar in your blood into cells. This way, your blood sugar levels drop which can cause hunger leading to additional eating.

Take Away: Overconsumption of sugar doesn’t just mean consuming empty calories but will predispose individuals to consume more calories leading to weight gain and obesity. Sugar provides a major source of unnecessary calories with little or no nutritional value. 


side effects of sugar overload

When you consume sugary food items, there is a more risk factor for dental caries. Free sugars sit on your teeth, bacteria in your mouth metabolize sugars to produce acid that wears away your tooth enamel, and if left untreated, those bacterial infections will turn into cavities. Bacterial infections can go into the deeper layers of your tooth, creating a hole, causing pain and possible tooth loss.

Sugar sweetened beverages, sweetened cereals, cakes, pastries, doughnuts, chocolate, candies, soda are all full of free sugars that can cause dental cavities.

Take Away: Dental cavities can be prevented by avoiding consumption of dietary free sugars.

We are not saying you to stop eating sugar overall, follow the stair-step approach to gradually reduce sugar in your diet…even the single step you take can contribute in a big way to your health…

Finally, your eating food should be for survival not for the sake of pleasure…

Also read: 6 Important Tips To Boost Your Metabolism

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